
Why I’m giving up my 9-5 (that I liked)

I'm Caley!

Six-figure freelancer, digital marketing pro, business coach, and photographer. I'm here to help bold business owners get to the next level in their business.

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You started this to have more freedom. Keep pushing.

Before we begin, this isn’t your typical “I was working at a dead-end job in an industry I didn’t care about, working for people who I couldn’t relate to” soul-sucking situation. Not at all.

I have a job I like. I work for one of the coolest companies in Vancouver and for some of the best people. I get to use my skills and passions, I get to take on really cool projects that have made and continue to make a difference. I work with people who I consider my family (I actually love them). I get to wear jeans every day to work if I want to. Even ripped jeans. And if I crack a beer with my lunch, nobody bats an eye.

But something is missing.

Those who know me well, know I’ve never really fit into this box that society tells us we should fit in. I’ve always been a little different. Through my entire life I’ve had trouble with obeying rules. I get sucked into the moment and my own imagination too often to keep everything perfectly aligned. Whether it was busting out a Lion King theme song solo in the middle of reading period in kindergarten and getting a time-out because of it, or ripping down the curtains in my father’s house without permission in high school to make a dress out of them, or many other more extreme examples I don’t feel comfortable sharing publicly (yet).

My point is, that while I’m very good at “playing the game” (You know. Going to school. Getting the scholarships. Going to university. Getting a steady job. Making a savings plan.) I get this feeling in my gut, over and over and over again, that this just isn’t me. This is not my truth. This is not the right path. And despite all of the crazy that I have endured in my life, there has always been one thing that’s been constant, one thing I’ve known since I was 4 years old when I started hosting ‘yard sales’ – which really just consisted of me laying a bunch of old toys on my bed and inviting my family in to see if I could sell anything to them. I must work for myself full-time. I must start to focus on building a life that I feel is true to myself. I must be in control of my own path.

I know how much hard work it will be. But I’m ready. I already work 70+ hours a week between my day job and my entrepreneurial endeavours. I have the skills, I have the hustle, I have some savings, I have the proof that I know what I’m doing in my areas of expertise, and I’m ready to take the risk.

And so last week, I gave my notice. And I’ve been terrified ever since. I think I was expecting to feel a bit more excited. But it’s also been a good experience to feel terrified. It’s shown me that the longer I stayed on the traditional path, the tougher it likely would’ve become over time to take this risk. Especially in a city as expensive as Vancouver. But I also asked myself, “If I end up having to move to make this happen for myself, will I?”. The answer was a no-brainer.

Change will always be tough. Absolutely paralysing at times for some of us. But if we don’t take these chances to live our truth now, when will we? I’m convinced that we will never feel 100% comfortable or ready when it comes to taking a big risk. So if not now, when?

So what does this mean for me? For the next while, I will be focusing on my freelance and consulting work while also working on related larger projects (all which will be revealed in good time). All in the areas of social media, marketing, design, and photography. Oh and guess what? I’m accepting new clients. If you want to see what I can help you out with, check out my offerings here and shoot me a message.

It also means I can go home to Nova Scotia to see my family whenever I want. I can work from anywhere in the world. I can move where ever, whenever I want to. I can really just… do anything. Which is again, kind of terrifying. But creating the freedom to make choices is a very important first step to creating the life you want.

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  1. Sarah P says:

    Oh wow! I definitely didn’t see this coming. Congrats to you though Caley and good luck!!!

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a-frame owner, infj, multi-6 figure biz owner, mama, ex ADRENALINE JUNKIE. 

Hi, I'm Caley.
Your Soul Sister + New Business & Marketing Mentor.

And I'm probably the mentor for you if you value direct tangible advice, backed by science and data, but you're also into the energy of it all. The synchronicities. You get it.

I built my business to over $400,000k per year, extremely profitably, making an impact with people around the global, and while working part time hours so I can prioritize my sanity and everything else that's actually important in life. I want that for you, too.